Do you know how to say “terrible” in Latin? It’s “terribilis”. Latin lesson is over. Now let’s use our newly-acquired knowledge.
Things have been quite terribilis for SHIB lately, to say the least. It’s almost terribilis enough that it’s fuckedilis upinius. The way it’s been going on, you’d almost think that every stat on SHIB’s dial board was downright determined to end up at a bare zero.
Let us explain.
Google Trends Are Downtrending
What Google Trends does, is it tells you how popular some topic is on the web.
It doesn’t take a P.h.D. in data analysis to take one look at the chart below and realize that fewer people seem to care about SHIB when surfing the web these days. And understandably so. It’s summertime - why waste your time checking up on the one thing in your portfolio you hope someday to make you filthy rich, if you can have fun getting skin cancer at the beach?

If you pull up Etherscan, you’ll see that there was no “great exodus” among the hodlers lately. So, perhaps a less Debbie Downer kind of interpretation would be that maybe the hodlers just went on stand-by mode - still stalwartly holding the token, but not really googling about it.
Take your pick.
Price and Burns Go Down
On one hand, SHIB shedding the gains of 2021 like there’s no tomorrow is definitely a bad thing. On the other hand, like it was said countless times before, it's one of a kind opportunity to burn ever more tokens for ever so less fiat money. But that's all theory.
Because according to our Etherscan-linked burn tracker, there were only some 2.3 billion tokens burned in the last MONTH! The same month that totally decimated the value of SHIB, leaving it at the mercy of over a million people who could easily destroy a hundred billion tokens in that time, if they put in some work. To put it simply, it would seem that people were way more eager to burn SHIB back when it used to cost more.
This simply defies logic!

We’ll be honest, this kind of data is confusing from the viewpoint of common sense. Which gives rise to only one question.
What’s the SHIBARMY up to?
Got the walnuts to write about crypto and earn Shib?
Every Joe/Jessica gets $5 worth of SHIB per article written for us, with an extra $1 raise for every tenth piece! You game?