Write for Us
So, you’ve clicked your way in here, probably expecting there to be a page full of requirements and rules and other professional manacles. Next thing you know, you’re running your eyes all over the page until your brain starts to short out and you get slapped across the face by the disappointment of finding no such thing here.
That’s right, buddy, we don’t need you to be a level 80 writer with a decade worth of experience breaking your back for some crappy tabloid. What we offer is simple: you pen up a good, informative article/column on anything relating to crypto and/or blockchain and in return we will shower you with some cryptocurrency of your choice and publish your piece under your name or nickname.
If you’ve got the walnuts for the job, do the following:
- write an article (min 300 words, no maximum) concerning Shiba Inu
- pack it into a pdf/word file
- drop it off at “write-and-provise” channel (tab) that’s hosted on Shiba Search Discord.
Scan the QR code or click here and join Shiba Search Discord.

That said, if we like what you send us, we’ll get back to you within 24 hours (timezone differences, sorry) and pay you $5 worth of any crypto you pick. Right now, we’re offering payments in Bitcoin, Etherium, Doge and Shib, but that list is likely to expand in the future! Bear in mind that for every tenth article you submit, your pay grade will increase by $1 each time.
Also, to be packed inside the file with an article is your name (or a nickname) and a link to your social media (optional). We’ll use those to credit you when your content airs.
Right now, we are accepting content that fits either of the three categories down below.
Nerd time category. In essence, this category is all about opinion-based articles, really. Let your creative side fly! Feel free to express your thoughts on any coin, token, event or project within the blockchain environment. If you can back it up with evidence, all the better.
General category (or Gen Cat for short) is strictly news. Highlight the latest developments pertaining to crypto/blockchain but keep your opinion on a short leash. Links, screenshots, references are welcome. If you’re too lazy to do the screenshot part, leave it to us, but at least drop a link to what needs to be “screenshotted.”
Analysis. This one is pretty self-explanatory and includes market analysis, token price predictions etc. If it’s got math and charts, it likely belongs in this category.
Stuff that’s off limits and will be grounds for termination of our collaboration with a user!
- sexual, political, racist talk etc. We’re a crypto website. We don’t care about that stuff in our articles and neither should you.
- hate talk and bashing other people/projects. Constructive criticism is fine, calling other people or entities bad things is not. That said, if what you’re about to write starts with a “X is a bad word”, it’s likely something you should rethink.
- strong language. Try to avoid using that. If absolutely necessary for reference reasons or quotes, at least have the decency to use asterisks (*) to mask the worst part of it.
- plagiarism. We’ll run every piece through a thorough check before we publish it. If we detect so much as a hint of plagiarism, you’ll be dealt with. Note: quoting is okay as long as you credit the person being quoted.
- half-assed content. Please don’t send us a sentence and pretend like that should qualify as an article.
- poor grammar. We’re okay with editing some of the typos and/or adding the missing commas where necessary, but we’re not okay with having to rewrite the whole thing. That said, don’t sweat over every single comma, we’ll do it for you. However, put at least minimal effort into making your piece readable before turning it in.
So that about does it. We look forward to publishing you on spaceshib.one.
Got the walnuts to write about crypto and earn Shib?
Every Joe/Jessica gets $5 worth of SHIB per article written for us, with an extra $1 raise for every tenth piece! You game?