Someone really sent 0 SHIB to dead wallet?
When was the last time you walked into a Western Union branch and asked them to wire out $0, while simultaneously paying them a commission for the transfer?
Right, that kind of scenario is impossible in the boring world of fiat money. The realm of crypto, on the other hand, seems not to be without its share of weirdos. And sometimes their escapades manage to slip right through the cracks and into the spotlight - like that one time when someone literally transferred 0 Shib to a dead wallet and paid a few bucks worth of a commission in Eth (gas fee).

Okay, technically it was 0.0000000000001 tokens they transferred, but that’s just unnecessary hair splitting, and anyone even remotely familiar with Shiba Inu will agree that even the most humble of quantities of Shib is usually measured in millions of tokens; certainly not one ten billionth of a token. What blows the weirdness factor out of any reasonable proportions is that the transfer fee paid for sending what may be the most minuscule amount of crypto ever transferred far surpasses the amount of tokens being sent and stands at precisely 0.00085986102528815 Eth, worth at least a dollar at press time.
According to Etherscan, this - for lack of a better term - mind-boggling transaction took place back on April 23, 2022 and until recently remained largely unnoticed by the crypto community.
Now that we dug this jewel out, all kinds of questions regarding the transaction begin to spring out of the box, followed by a few theories that could explain what had happened.
- The Oh Sh*t Theory: Someone accidentally made a transfer only to cancel it midway, with a small amount of the sent Shib being already irrevocably lost.
- The Lemmetry Theory: Someone set up a new wallet to hold some Shib and then decided it was a good idea to put the wallet through the paces by sending a tiny amount of Shib to a dead wallet (still weird considering the gas fee.)
- The Joel “the Joker” Theory: Someone with a weird sense of humor did that on purpose in hopes to garner some attention and forever mold their names into the crypto history annals (in this case, they were kind of successful at being noticed.)
- The WWNKTT Theory: We will never know the truth.
Whatever happened back then, if there’s any chance the person responsible might be reading this - please, come out and talk to us, friend. Your story is worth an interview of its own.
Got the walnuts to write about crypto and earn Shib?
Every Joe/Jessica gets $5 worth of SHIB per article written for us, with an extra $1 raise for every tenth piece! You game?