Q&A With Shiba Search Team (Spectre Gazushi)
We spoke with Spectre Gazushi - one of the key members of Shiba Search team, and more importantly, the developer of the wealth distribution bot on Discord. After hours in our torture chamber, he finally caved and began talking about ShibArmy, crypto, Shiba Search and much more. Down below is our report.
My pleasure, Spaceshib.
In my personal opinion, the current state of "the shibarmy" is not good.
Because we are too busy being untrusting, fighting among ourselves, and inhibiting growth. When I think of “an army”, I think of people fighting for their lives/country. Not building a community, but sacrificing members of their community for a “greater good”. This is not a narrative I think is fitting for what we are trying to build, because I'd rather sacrifice none of you, nor myself.
I want people to see this group of projects and say "I want to be there" as opposed to "I'd better not go there, they might rip me to shreds." For me that's the inviting message I want to send through my passion, work, and time devoted to all of you and our wonderful community. We are Shibians.
Shiba Search has been striving to stimulate and extend opportunities to aspiring artists and projects within our community, so long as they display integrity, positivity, full transparency and a lack of greed. We are changing the narrative here (previously stated), flipping the script, going against the grain, if you will, fueled by our passion and devotion to the Shib community.
Shiba Search is a search engine that was initially designed to sustainably burn Shib on insane levels - and benefit the holders. Over time other projects started coming together to form this mosaic and blossom into the community you see within our Discord today. True, we may not all take the same approach: Youtube, Spotify, gaming tournaments, etc. We do however stress one key element that seems to have made an impression with these amazing projects.
Think about the search engine for one moment. Anyone can use a search engine, even if they never heard of Shiba Inu. I can go tell my grandmother Shiba Search is a search engine like Google and tell her to “try it out”. She would probably understand at that point. However, if I told her it had anything to do with crypto, she would probably say, "Well, you've lost me".
Shib has a large community, but if we limit our projects to just Shib and tomorrow for whatever reason the majority of those 1.2 million hodlers (at press time) sell… Well, we just irreplaceably lost our followers. This is the idea we want to extend to others - Shib projects can and absolutely must be appealing to a much wider audience than just a handful of crypto nuts.
I joined Shiba Search back in November (2021). Just as any new member, I started out by asking tons of questions about the project. It was in the early stages of the Official Shiba Search Discord server that I noticed there was a lack of bots in which I had much prior knowledge. I took it up with Mr. Dran (project lead) and the team. They decided to give me a chance to show them what I could do for them when it comes to Shib and Discord bots.
This is where I found tip.cc. Which ultimately led me to how I would utilize Mr.Shibs (our wealth distribution bot) to benefit Shiba Search and the token in a unique way. Which brought me to where you see me today.
As of right now we are in transition to the wealth distribution model. I’m still buried under hundreds of NDAs, however I have been given instructions to let you know a little more in depth of what this will look like for Shiba Search. This process will follow our prior revenue burn structure which will be known as the revenue distribution structure once transition is complete.
Think of it as a government relief fund crypt-ivalent.
- 90% of ad revenue obtained from the search engine will be distributed equally among each verified discord user.
- The remaining 10% will be used in other aspects of the project, such as supporting aspiring artists, non profit charity, and other growing initiatives within the community.
This does not imply we will never burn again.
We've always received flak for what we are working to build. Our transition I'm certain will bring even more haters to the table, on top of the ones we already had as a burn project, but overall give newfound strength to our supporters. Adversity is where we excel.
The goal is still the same overall - get Shib to $0.01, at which point the token will stabilize and proceed to increase in value without the need for as much intervention. The approach is the only thing that has changed. As a ground floor tech company, Shiba Search intends to focus on Shib as the main benefactor of our work, be it the community, or price action of Shib exclusively.
Mr.Shibs is still being developed as this is being implemented with future plans, expanding him beyond what you see at face value. Once the transition has been completed, I will continue to develop 'him' and his features. Discord RPG Coming soon, in which I hope to showcase the work of some aspiring artists in the visual appeal, with the proper permissions of course (from the artists). I also hope to include Mr.Shibs in this as well.
Everyone should know Mr.Shibs is not only our Discord bot - he's the Official Shiba Search mascot. Eventually, Shiba Search intends to rebrand with Mr.Shibs being the face of the project (no further information I can give on that aspect as of now). Just know that Mr.Shibs is pivotal in more ways than just being the generous Discord bot.
He represents our values.
Mr.Shibs for now has only been set to stun. For now… lol.
In all seriousness there is no chance of him going rogue. All proper precautions are being taken to ensure he is not a threat to the community. Furthermore, he's been set to ‘kill’ when it comes to anyone or any other bot that would encroach on this community for nefarious purposes. You heard that right!
Recently Mr.Shibs took down another infiltrating Discord bot masking itself as a tip.cc bot. The threat was neutralized effectively before any harm could come to our users. This is another reason we've now started requiring users to verify themselves into the Discord server as annoying as it may be for some.
Keep in mind crypto crossing the threshold into Discord provides new opportunities for scammers. Proceed with caution. Protect your private information and do not feel as though you cannot report any malicious activity to myself or a Discord mod in the server.
We will handle all reports with care to provide a safe environment to the community within.
Got the walnuts to write about crypto and earn Shib?
Every Joe/Jessica gets $5 worth of SHIB per article written for us, with an extra $1 raise for every tenth piece! You game?