Mission update

Mission Shib-1 Payload Update

To all SHIB dudes and dudettes! It’s been a challenging couple months since we rolled out Spaceshib.

Between being harassed by the technical difficulties caused by the war in our country and trying to get the word out about our endeavor to burn SHIB, we’ve had one hell of a task - to keep going no matter what.

And we’re proud we didn’t chicken out at the first sign of trouble!

Now to the matter at hand, our first burn mission Shib-1 was initially meant to take a whopping 100 million SHIB to the crypto blackhole. Whether due to inexperience or unrealistic expectations, we weren’t able to achieve the payload in the 60 days allotted to meeting the mission’s objective. We’re recognizing our failure.

That, and we already whipped those of our team responsible for this debacle!

Nevertheless, we still managed to generate $103 in revenue so far - revenue that will be burned at T-0 days to launch! That’s right - since it’s our first time, we’ll forget our 50% burn pledge policy and burn the full 100%! At current SHIB prices, that should yield around 8-9 million tokens blackholed. That, and we still have another 5 days to bump it up a bit! That’s a drop in the bucket, but remember - we were able to achieve it with only 50 loyal followers!

Now, there is a puny little detail we must make clear to avoid any misunderstanding.

Due to revenue payouts happening only in the last week of every month, we may need to go an extra step to ensure the burn happens as scheduled at T-0 days (June 7) while the transfer is still weeks away. Check this out. During our burn (to be filmed) we’re going to provide evidence of exactly how much revenue has been generated as of June 7, then purchase the tokens and burn them using our own money that matches the amount of revenue generated. This way we don’t have to ask you to wait another two weeks to see the burn.

We’ll take this issue into account next time!

What we've learned in the past two months is that our project has a potential. It’s going to get harder before it gets easier, but we’re not going to stop until through Spaceshib hundreds of millions SHIB can be burned every month! There are website upgrades being worked on around the clock that will allow it to garner an even wider audience and ultimately scale up our burn objectives.

You’re awesome!

Spaceshib team

Got the walnuts to write about crypto and earn Shib?

Every Joe/Jessica gets $5 worth of SHIB per article written for us, with an extra $1 raise for every tenth piece! You game?

Write for us
Shib Burned Total
9 723 657 9.7M

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