
Let’s Talk Bricks Buster!

Yes, you’re right - everyone already knows about Bricks Buster. It’s old news. Ancient. But this isn’t a news article, it’s a review. An analysis. We roll thru the SHIB hood in our tricked-out SHIB wheels, scoping the place for anything worth mentioning. That’s how we roll, just how we roll! Blings - checked. Bodies - checked. Wheels - checked. Bitc…

Alright, we got you!

Made by one Travis Johnson, “Bricks Buster” is a play-to-burn game that’s available across all major mobile platforms, including  IOS (both IPhone and IPad) and Android, all for some measly 100 megabytes of your device space! Yep, the creator made sure there’s no excuse for somebody with a smartphone not to play it. Unless, of course, you’re all about the 90s and still carry a brick-sized potato of a device in your pocket. In that case, you probably don’t believe in the internet either…

With Brick Busters, you’re practically enabled to burn those Shibbies by playing a video game! Now let’s dig in deeper and see what all the fuss is about.


Your objective couldn’t be more simple: you have a screen full of colorful puny bricks sitting meekly on there, that you must remove by shooting balls at them! (We’d like to call them blobs, but ‘balls’ sounds way more bada$$ - nothing like busting bricks with your balls!)

And you’ve got 50 of them, too!

Once you’ve angled your shot and pulled the trigger, it’s kick back and watch a stampede of balls bouncing wildly all over the screen, wreaking havoc in their deadly wake as they go about decimating those bricks! Speaking of which, the bricks are tagged with random numbers - an amount of hits it takes to kiss any one brick goodbye. Some bricks can take dozens of hits, others turn tail and run squeaking and pooping bricks after the first blow. Each hit shaves one point off of a brick’s number. Reduce it to zero and the brick pops, clearing a path for your balls to travel and take down more of its kind.

Sounds easy? Well, shooting your balls isn’t enough! You must pick the right angle if you are going to pop the max amount of bricks possible in a single go. The more tries you take, the lower those bricks will move down the screen. Let them touch the bottom and it’s over - you disgracefully wasted the power of your balls!

What we really liked is how you can play the game pretty much single-handedly! There’s no clusterf**k of buttons, or controls, or levers, or knobs that would make you feel like you were flying a Space Shuttle and require ten feet and twenty hands to control it.

A single one of your limbs can do just as well.


Bricks Buster utilizes the same mainstream strategy for generating its burn revenue - via ads that pop up on your screen every time you play the game. Yes, true, ads in mobile games can be pretty annoying, but Brick Busters seems to do it in just the right amount.

Overall, the amount of ads displayed per minute of Bricks Buster walks a fine line between being enough to make money and not driving its players nuts from wanting to pull out their hair. We played through 15 levels on end, and in that time only 3 skippable ads would try to annoy us.

How much SHIB can be burned by Bricks Buster?

It’s not so much a question as it is an equation.

According to the creator, with SHIB at its current value of around $0.00001181, a single level of Bricks Buster can produce enough revenue to burn at least 800 SHIB. That number may and will change depending on the token’s value at the moment.

Meanwhile the combined effort of 100K of players smashing their balls against the bricks on a daily basis should be able to burn at least 80 million tokens a day!

Anything else? Any bonuses?

You got it! Every so often, Bricks Buster holds a high score challenge, with the level and the high score to be made. Those with enough baLLz to shoot the balls at the bricks can win some small, yet sweet prizes, like a pair of Shiba Suds socks or some Pine Tree Planters. Sorry if you were hoping they’d reward people with mansions and cars and other cold, soulless junk.

So that’s it for Bricks Busters. The game has way more to offer than we can fit into a single article, and bringing that up would be almost like spoiling it. You should definitely look into it at your convenience.


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