Shib logs

Log 5

Okay, there’s a leak on this rust bucket! Courtesy of the ship’s alert system. Explains the robot’s temper tantrums earlier.

Hmm… Leaks.

Don’t suppose the Commander was referring to the one in its head, was it? A leak in space could very well see to it that there’s a dead pooch inside the ship (that dead pooch would be me) when the journey’s over.

To prevent there being any dead dogs on this mission, in the case of emergencies, I am to be lashed back into my laundry machine of a seat, with my suit pressurized and the helmet donned. I swear if that robot lugs me around the ship for an hour and a half before it can strap me in to my seat, I’m gonna be so pissed!

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Sulky as [data removed]...

Log 5. Comics #1

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The view is okay, though. I’ve got a front row seat to the most epic prelude to the most epic demise in the history of demises. Up front of me is our pilot - obviously, still ‘piloting’ us, if with its brains plugged out. Right next is the Commander, tangled up in its own seat straps, and is now desperately trying to get free. There’s the Moon, still a good deal away from us. There’s some relaxing music playing. What’s to hate?

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Commander is still struggling to get free. Come on, it’s just one seat belt - no match for the most advanced AI robot on the Earth!

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Still there.

Log 5. Comics #2

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While Commander is waging a heroic battle on the evil seat belt that’s preventing it from saving this entire mission, let me lay out the thoughts currently buzzing around in my head. For a leak to show up in space, usually there needs to be a hole. Could be a micrometeor. Those annoying [data removed] can turn a ship into a pasta sieve. Anyway, a hole must be plugged up in order to stop being a hole, right? Problem is, it’s not that easy to find a tiny hole in a ship this big.

Do I say the word “hole” too much? Moving on.

One way to find a hole in a spaceship out in space is to vent all the air out, all the while having something float around. This way the air escaping the ship will tug the item along, eventually pointing at where the leak is.

Did I mention this is the first time they’re actually having an alive dog inside a leaking ship?

Shib Burned Total
9 723 657 9.7M

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